
豊かさの意味 -the meaning of affluence-






物質的に豊か=精神的に豊か とは必ずしも言えない。




[in English]
For last three days, I'd been in Tokyo.

A friend of mine from Spain is comming to Japan in order to do his field work of the thesis, so I dropped by his place besides job-hunting. He has been a close friend since we happened to live in the same floor of the same domitory in Finland, and I do remember well that we used to talk about almost everything, not only private stories but also social problems and world history and so on till the midnight.

His major is high-education in master's degree and also having experiences as a teacher for five years. It always impresses me by his activeness and the fact that he's knowledgeable as well as witty.

Yesterday, the topic we're discussing was "the meaning of affluence in developed countries".

It's hard to say that material fulfillment always leads people psychological contentment.
In a stable society where products are overflowing, people tend to get lost.

Indeed, Japan is considered as a developed country which economically had a big success; however, there is the air drifting which makes the society more conservative for stability.

Nowadays, unsatisfied feeling that people have had furthers product-consumption more and more, don't know the end.

Have you ever thought this country is insane in terms of consuming?

I have.

and I doubt people in Japan is mentally affluent.

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