
decide what we don't need and throw it away

As there is always limit regarding amount of stuff which can be stocked in a closet, we sometimes have to make a decision what to throw away to take in something new. It's the hardest part to sort out things which is necessary or not for ourselves, who will highly possibly change in the future. However, the idea that we might use "this and that" in whatever occasion occurs in the near future should be reconsidered 'cause it leads us to think too much far rather than facing this present moment, then what happenes next is that wasted things fill us up and it could make us out of control.

For having our closet well arrenged, we need to do constant clean-up. For sure, it's exhausting process, taking a lot of time, and anyone hardly take the initiative for doing that. But this is something very significant point if we'd like to keep ourselves as fresh as possible.

Imagine the situation to fill up a bathtub with the hot water, and then again imagine the situation to drain off the hot water from a bathtub...interestingly enough, we tend to feel like that the speed of time's running is so different in between the former and the latter situation.

Why is that...mystery:)

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