桜もあっという間に満開になって、もう葉桜になり始めているin Tokyo。本当に時の流れが早すぎてあっという間におばあちゃんになりそう(焦)。春という節目は一年を振り返りたくなる気分。
二つ目は、cnnを朝と夜見る&japan timesを読む(断片的も可ww)。
リンパマッサージのおかげで体重は5キロ減、cnnとjapan timesのおかげでニュースの切り口の違いの面白さを知り、さらに話のネタも増え、一石三鳥くらい。
2 件のコメント:
Hello Moikka!
this is Pad!
Well we just missed!
I've been to see the Sakura flowers at Naka Meguro (same place desho?) on saturday night, the 4th
there was more people than flowers!
Nihon go tchotto muzukashii desukedo, you are talking about Lympa Drainage deshoo? have you experienced? Tell me about, please
I used to be a therapist (as well as LD)as you know if you had read my resume in my Blog...
its true that its help to lose weight if done correctly!
Sorry for delay, Pad. You know what, the astonishing fact is that I was in Nakameguro, the same place where you were at the same timing. Yes it was April 4th in the evening:)) We might have bumped into each other, it's pity that we hardly know such a coincidence, hahhha!
Anyway,things you talked about Lympa Drainage was right. I've practiced it for last one year or so in order to soothe a sore of whole body which is usually pretty exhausted after all-day-long driving for work. Lympa drainage is the most effective way of boosting my metabolism:))
but hey, it's the first time to hear you used to be a therapist! you truely have various talent, it sounds awesome...:)