Who decides criteria?
Who decides "criteria" of our life?
That's not people around us but ourselve.
It seems so easy question, yet sometimes we can get confused in between public opinion and ours. I assume this tendensy is very common especially among Japanese. Rigid framework that people should be like "this" and "that" ties up them in many occasions. To be honest, it took long time for me to realize that criteria is something which should be decided by ourselves. What a shame; nevertheless, I'm so happy to be able to notice it eventually.
When I tried something new, I used to be afraid the other side, so-called "risk". But now, I don't care about that. "Risk" is sort of a friend of new excitement and we should get along with that.
Create your own criteria of life, and go for it.
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2 件のコメント:
Good text Doruko! Brief but right to the point. I guess people are tied up by criteria around the world but especially in the countries that we call 'developed'.
You've probably had some recent incident related to criteria, have you? If so, plz tell. It'd be nice to read about it.
Thank you for a comment. Like you said, it's true that especially developed contries have kinda strict rule and rigid structure for society and it ends up leading people within certain framework.
Well, some recent incident related to critria?! Oh to tell the trueth, I've been thinking this for quite long time that have no idea which incidents effected me:) but if I try to make sure a trigger to consider of it.... maybe it's because I've seen so many people who force themselves to fit in a frame and say "impossible"for whatever they come up with. Then I wondered what makes them to think like that way...and reached factor, which is "unconscious criteria created by themselves"
As my opinion, there isn't anything impossible, and "impossible"is "nothing". At least we can do something for what we want to do even though it's far from the goal.